Ruth Abena as an ESC volunteer from Netherlands at FOHO Uganda between June and September 2023, she has greatly contributed to the achievement of VC’s aim through a number of activities such as empowering talks & mentoring, outreaches, home visits, counselling sessions, positive discipline sessions in schools, life changing sessions to sex workers; and increasing access to vocational training in addition to primary and secondary education Her engagement in the programme activities definitely contributed to VC’s goal of improving the street children and other marginalized groups such as teenage mothers social, health, emotional and psychosocial wellbeing as well as giving them an opportunity to live to better their lives.
As an international volunteer who worked in slum areas and fishing villages with a focus on street children and other vulnerable groups such as teenage mothers and youths, Ruth had a unique experience interacting with these groups and other local people from communities. The local context was too far away from the reality back home amidst the cultural diversity despite having an experience of an African culture back in Nigeria.
This brought out her passion to work with less advantaged groups of people to the extent of having no time between work and life. Her desire to improve people’s wellbeing was a great motivation throughout her volunteering experience. Ruth successfully walked in solidarity with the marginalized while improving their wellbeing in different ways. The experience facilitated improvements in areas of communication, interpersonal relations, mentoring & training skills; counselling ; self management & self esteem/confidence; writing & reporting skills, supervision, and ability to experience the reality of being in a disadvantaged state with little or no help. In addition, the experience was fun with episodes of personal learning in various aspects of life.
Despite having a good experience, Ruth faced challenges such as cultural differences, language barriers, inadequate facilities in communities she worked with and inadequate resources amidst many needs among beneficiaries. However, this unique experience is envisaged to have had a positive impact on her future career path and development.