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Adnan Mroueh completed his 11-month volunteering service in Bosnia


French volunteer Adnan Mroueh completed his 11-month service in Sarajevo within our European Solidarity Corps Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by EPEKA, supported by our Irish partner Viatores Christi Company Limited by Guarantee (VC) and hosted by our Bosnian partner Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO).

During his service, Adnan worked in the Blažuj and Ušivak Camps, which are the temporary reception centres for the refugees. He took tasks as a team leader and as a volunteer in the centres in Sarajevo. He did some translation and offered support for migrants. He also participated in different activities. He facilitated activities for so many migrants to learn and improve some skills. He also did translations and that helped many get out of problems and conflicts.

He worked in the ID department of the camp for organising paperwork and explaining to migrants the process. He also helped the administration on special cases where he had to obtain crucial information from migrants. He guided people at the reception for the registration process.

He took part in different artistic and planting activities. He packed small bags of welcome kits. He spent a lot of time supporting the different actors in IOM. In the family camp, he participated in running the free shop as well as translating for the general cleaning tasks. He approached migrants and checked if they were in need of information or guidance. He also assisted refugees with psychological issues by working with a clinical psychologist.

Adnan gave beneficial assistance for running the camps. He provided migrants the necessary comfort with all his competences. He learnt a lot about boundaries, when and how to provide help. He also learnt how to communicate with the management. His work at the camp made him gain in maturity. He learnt how to be sensitive when talking to vulnerable people. We would like to thank Adnan for all his dedication in his work.



“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only
and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)].

Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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