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Anna Urszula Szychulska completed her 9-month volunteering service in Bosnia


Polish volunteer Anna Urszula Szychulska completed her 9-month service in Sarajevo within our European Solidarity Corps Humanitarian Aid project “HAND”, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by EPEKA, supported by our Irish partner Viatores Christi Company Limited by Guarantee (VC) and hosted by our Bosnian partner Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO).

Throughout her volunteering, Anna worked in the Blazuj and the Usivak camps, which are the temporary reception centers for the immigrants. She also worked in Centar za zdravo starenje Novo Sarajevo, which is the center for the elderly people.

In the Blazuj camp, she organised art activities for the male asylum seekers and participated in WASH and admission actions. In the Usivak camp, she organised art activities for asylum seeking women and minors and painted a mural with them. She also participated in trips with beneficiaries from the Usivak camp.

Anna participated in art activities in Centar za zdravo starenje Novo Sarajevo, such as alu-foil and jewellery making workshops. She photographed and assisted during events at the center. She also organised exhibitions of the elderly center’s art. She took part in daily life at the center and participated in trips with beneficiaries from the center.

Anna was able to interest the beneficiaries in the refugee camps by using different media in art, such as canvas painting and jewellery making. She was able to engage with the elderly using verbal and non-verbal communication, which gave beneficiaries an opportunity to share their stories. Both groups, asylum seekers and elderly, had an experience of being heard.

Through her activity, Anna learnt a bit of Bosnian, got familiar with the complex geopolitical history of Bosnia and Herzegovina and developed her soft skills. We would like to thank Anna for all her dedication in her work during her activity.



“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only
and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)].

Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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