As part of our European Solidarity Corps Humanitarian Aid Volunteering “Humanitarian Aid for the Needs of Development – HAND” project accepted by the Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), we had an advanced planning visit to our Bosnian partner Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities - BRAVO between April 10 - 13, 2023 to visit the working areas of BRAVO. We have been in the areas where our Humanitarian Aid volunteers will work in Sarajevo - BRAVO Office, Center for Healthy Aging (elderly centre), kindergarten, Center for Creative Learning “MAK” (sensory education center for children with disabilities) and The Ušivak Temporary Reception Center (refugee camp). We got information from the staff. We saw the practicalities for the volunteers and got information about the mentor and training programs. This visit was hosted by Eda Sehic, BRAVO's project coordinator.